We’ve made it people, to the last week of the year where we have no clue what day it is. You’ve watched The Queen’s Gambit, The Undoing, Normal People, The Flight Attendant, The Vow, The Bachelorette, heck, you even watched Love Island (just me?). If you’ve run out of programming this year and you want to get something accomplished in this week of purgatory, here’s a fun DIY wall art idea for your home: this painted arch gives your space a fresh pop of color and will add some dimension to any room. Earth tones are likely safest, but if you want a bold color, well my friends, 2020’s OVER and we say go for it!
must read: unreal for real
We always need books. It's truly one thing I could never have enough of. Plus, bookshelf styling and decor is so hot right now. And the trend of flipping books, pages facing out, on bookshelves has allowed me display all my books, because now people can't make fun of me for reading the entire Twilight series... But I digress.
My childhood friend, Adam Mars, is an artist in Los Angeles. He's constantly in the gallery circuit of art shows and has several displays of street art around LA. Shameless plug: he also created my logo. Over the years I've read a handful of stories and articles written by Adam, and a few months ago, he asked me if I would proofread his book. I always knew today would come... His first book Unreal for Real has launched. And I am so proud to display what is probably an embarrassing amount of copies around my home. And to be clear, all spines face forward.
Unfolding like a greatest-hits collection of coming-of-age adventures, Unreal for Real follows artist Adam Mars from wild adolescence into wilder adulthood. Whether he’s partying as a middle-schooler at a rock star’s mansion, surviving an armed drug raid in college, or being tied-up by an untamed dominatrix in his thirties, the racy tales in this comedic collection of true-life stories offer unique insight into the pursuit of sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll. Other binge-worthy accounts of family dysfunction, vacations gone wrong, and random romance expose a dynamic humorist with very little to hide.
Unreal for Real - by Adam Mars
To visit the Unreal for Real website, CLICK HERE.
To purchase on Amazon, CLICK HERE.